From an experienced counselor specializing in the subject of spiritual deliverance:
“A ‘must have’ book for all in ministry. It is filled with vital biblical truths. It will encourage you to be biblically balanced, avoiding the pitfalls, so your ministry will truly glorify God.”
Dr. Jim Logan, Biblical Restoration Ministries, Sioux City. Author of "Reclaiming Surrendered Ground", Moody Publishers, Chicago.
From a minister not familiar with the subject:
“I will be honest and admit that I approached Light in Our Darkness with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism. Deliverance ministries, as such, are mostly foreign territory for the particular branch of the Christian church in which I came to faith. I am very pleased to say this book has gone a long way in restoring the credibility of this kind of ministry for me. As one moves through the pages, it becomes clear Bruno Sebrechts knows Christ and understands how he wants us to participate in his ministry and serve his people. This book offers not only a long, thoughtful, careful look at the full scope of the biblical basis for deliverance ministry but also connects the theoretical with the practical—every step of the way. This is a helpful, pastoral book, which will serve ministers of all types and situations as we seek to care for the struggling people who come to us for help. I am glad I have been taught a respect for a form of ministry for which I had little background.”
Rev Dr. J. Graham, Northumberland, U.K.
From a pastor familiar with the subject:
“This book will open readers’ eyes and hearts to the greatness of God and the trust he places in us as agents of his grace to bring blessing and freedom to the captives. Reading it has been an inspiring challenge for me because the author throws the warm light of experience and wisdom on deliverance ministry, which I have too often seen sidelined, ignored, exaggerated—or left to itinerant specialists. His warmth and wisdom will give other pastors clear, hope-filled, and well-earthed biblical guidance on how to confidently include this ministry within the range of their pastoral opportunities. I pray God’s blessing on and through all those who read this book and apply its contents.”
Rev. N. Mitaxa, Pastor and Columnist, Victoria, Australia.
From theologians:
“Bruno Sebrechts has written a book that could only come from a reflective practitioner. Reflective, since it has a clear and coherent biblical-theological basis. Sebrechts approaches the whole biblical narrative in all its integrity, realizing the danger of proof-texting when it comes to a delicate subject such as spiritual deliverance. Of equal value is the experience Sebrechts brings to the table as a practitioner. As a minister who has served several evangelical churches during the past twenty-five years, he has had ample opportunity to test his balanced approach in a diversity of pastoral situations, and with good results. The author is the type of minister who does not shy away from the reality of God’s power, without being caught up in a potential power play when exercising this type of ministry. A long-term vision for the individual—not the quick fix—characterizes his ministry. It is for these reasons I wholeheartedly recommend this book.”
Dr. Filip De Cavel, Minister, Ghent, Belgium.
"This book offers an authentic approach to the biblical teaching about the evil side of the unseen realm. So do not expect yet another repetition of prevailing simplistic approaches. Although Sebrechts’ style is not difficult, his work looks scholarly, a proof of this being the many footnotes on almost every page of the book. The author is presenting his understanding of demonology as being part of the surrounding world, and an obvious threat to our inner life. Even though the topic is not pleasant, the reading has generated a warm feeling of security springing from the fact that God is protecting and strengthening His children from the danger of evil forces. The author uses a plethora of Bible scriptures and Greek word studies to prove his views, and to help the reader to understand better the Old and New Testaments, the Christian anthropology, and the influence of the Holy Spirit on the Christian. This is a must-have book for laypersons and scholars alike."
Arpad Foszto, Doctoral Student in Evangelical Theology, Arad, Romania.
From (former) missionaries:
“More and more, we are confronted with spiritual attacks and related problems within the local congregation and on the mission field. This can cause us to feel insecure or stressed, so it is vital that there is practical and, above all, Bible-based educational material available. This is exactly what this book offers. It contains a wealth of liberating biblical truths, engaging testimonies and useful guidelines for pastoral practice. Highly recommended!”
Kurt Maeyens, Director of the Belgian Evangelical Mission.
“I endorse this book because
the extensive study speaks for itself;
it shows a deep commitment to Biblical basis;
it is balanced. There is no quick fix or emotional drama; healing is an ongoing process. There is warning against exaggerations in ‘spiritual warfare’;
it is relevant. The world is changing: Normalization of evil powers has happened through stories of magic, movies with demonic themes, song lyrics, computer games, and even board games;
it involves the congregation in the ministry of this particular area of need;
it is experience based. It advocates a personal walk with God, experiencing unique and creative interventions which only God could do;
Sebrechts and his team have experientially gained awareness of God’s unique knowledge of each person’s needs and how he meets them in his creative ways.”
Noreen A. McElhanon, LCSW-S Emeritus.
“I recommend Light in our Darkness as a thorough study on the subject of spiritual deliverance. In my opinion, it should be used by seminaries to train prospective ministers of the gospel on this important subject, which, unfortunately, is becoming more common in our society today. I appreciate the book’s approach for several reasons. One is the cautious balance and humble attitude used in dealing with Satan's kingdom. Another is Mr. Sebrechts’ utter dependence on God's Word and the Holy Spirit for guidance in dealing with the underworld, and lastly, his solid and enlightening rationale throughout the writing. Sebrechts keeps the greatness of the Almighty God central–exactly where it should be. May God use this carefully compiled book to bring many folks to freedom in our Savior, Jesus Christ.”
Winnie Kaetzel, former missionary and author of “Bending with the Bamboo: Memoirs of an American family living in Laos during the Vietnam War."
“Light in Our Darkness is a book that has been sorely needed by those seeking to help anyone in need of spiritual deliverance. As I was growing up in the U.S.A., I saw many church leaders shy away from acknowledging any demonic activity in believers, while the years I spent as a missionary in Central Africa often showed me more of the opposite end of the spectrum: ritualistic casting out of demons with much fanfare and shouting. This book anchors itself on a balanced, thoroughly biblical approach. Great content for Christian leaders to apply when confronted with individuals needing spiritual deliverance.”
Patricia Wilkendorf, Board Member of Disciple All Nations, Texas, Former Translation Consultant, Wycliffe Bible Translators.
From an engaged reader:
"This book is, in fact, a beam of light in the uncertainty that so often permeates this subject. Even Christians who are more familiar with the Word of God have many questions never answered about this area of Bible study. Reports on the subject are scarce in the Gospels and even rarer in the Apostolic Letters so that the doctrines pertaining to the subject and the rules of procedure have to be deduced from an exhaustive study of collection and comparison of passages. That is why the author of "Luz em Nossa Escudirão" (Portuguese version) is presenting in this work a massive repository of doctrines from the Word, and practical experience in pastoral assistance to people tormented by evil spirits. The author deals objectively with the important question of why people, even though they are in the process of being born again, still suffer such attacks of darkness. In short, this is a work that, in fact, sheds the light of the Holy Scriptures on our ignorance of the subject."
Cristovao Nobre, Alcobaca, Brazil.